All they had to do was come up with a decent album and they would've rise up quickly in my likings. They failed miserably, but still, their image is so perfect i will wait for their emancipation.
On the other hand, "The Departed" is such a 8.75 movie on my 1 to 10 scale. And let me tell you, it's been a while since a movie ranked so high for me. Martin Scorsese never really shook my movie cords, maybe except the aviator and raging bull. I still have a small disappointement that the movie could have been better, close to perfect, if scorsese wouldn't have exagerated things a bit in the end...and maybe a bit in the middle too... he did exactly what nicholson tends to do towards the end of his life, exagerate, make funny faces, too funny faces... there are scenes where he's more a clown than an actor and everybody says at those moments: "god he's so good!"... bullshit... he could be so good if he doesn't pull that stuff... the star of the movie was by far leonardo dicaprio which like scorsese he's reached a close to perfection status, the difference is that scorsese is at the end of his career, while dicaprio is not.
Go see the movie in a movietheater! It's well worth it!