vineri, decembrie 8
Strip down to your soul!
I think you're the ones that are of the past. Only in the past people moved with the flow, ignoring the fact that what they had at the time was better compared to a seemingly better but false future.
Only in the past people moved from rock to disco, gas engines to diesel engines, weed to ecstasy, Concorde to Airbus A380. Today, in the future, we, people of the next, stick with what is beautiful, what is best.
Back to my first sentence, Vama Veche still strike a cord of my emotianal part, they're still the ones that sing from the heart and actually, if you can believe this, i can't think of any other romanian band that sings about sad things anymore... well at least not the way they do. We should stop caring for a moment about the originality of the future and maybe think how to fuel our future with things that we actually love, and things that make us happy. "We have to go back and wait for our souls to catch up with us" an old movie quote used to say. Well, i think that when it comes to eveything that is artistic it's very utterly true.
Undress yourself of the thick cover which is your stylish way of life, your care of not looking good in front of your friends, the coldness in your eyes towards people you don't know and... show me your soul!
vineri, noiembrie 17
Noblesse Oblige the Departed

All they had to do was come up with a decent album and they would've rise up quickly in my likings. They failed miserably, but still, their image is so perfect i will wait for their emancipation.
On the other hand, "The Departed" is such a 8.75 movie on my 1 to 10 scale. And let me tell you, it's been a while since a movie ranked so high for me. Martin Scorsese never really shook my movie cords, maybe except the aviator and raging bull. I still have a small disappointement that the movie could have been better, close to perfect, if scorsese wouldn't have exagerated things a bit in the end...and maybe a bit in the middle too... he did exactly what nicholson tends to do towards the end of his life, exagerate, make funny faces, too funny faces... there are scenes where he's more a clown than an actor and everybody says at those moments: "god he's so good!"... bullshit... he could be so good if he doesn't pull that stuff... the star of the movie was by far leonardo dicaprio which like scorsese he's reached a close to perfection status, the difference is that scorsese is at the end of his career, while dicaprio is not.
Go see the movie in a movietheater! It's well worth it!
joi, noiembrie 16
it is pretty obvious to me that technology and religion cannot coexist. Sure we've all seen nuns dancing to the beat impregnated by the ipod headphones into her prayer friendly eardrums and why not, if not you, i've seen laptops giving the alarm call for morning prayers and simulating the priest in a muslim_prayer.exe file. Sure this cannot go for much longer, and since religion had its turn, u can see where i'm going...
but is this good? where is this future taking us...i believe that technology is moving kind of fast, and even if we didn't get flying cars by year 2000 like spielberg and vernes predicted, we can duplicate people, we can fly two times the speed of sound, we have mobile phones which play music and videos and go on the net and we even have illuminating headphones which light to the beat....... and we're progressing exponantially, we start caring less about reliability and we're more and more concerned about the next step without being sure of the present step. We want more power, more precision, more future, less present.
At this pace things will evolve really fast and we might even get closer to the great answer for "what is our purpose in life?". But i'm afraid we're gonna reach for it like a prisoner is reaching through the bars of its cell to a key three meters further and as we bend the bars through the power of our technology, the lack of reliability might straighten them when we're getting out head first and we might get blown into the past in a thousand million of a second.
So what do i think of this future, where cars will go three times the speed of light but might disintegrate at a "speed hump" and we die? what do i think of a future, where computers could make the earth turn the other way at the glance of F2 key?...
I say BRING IT ON!!!... but quicker, we don't have much left to live and i want to see the end of the world before i die.
marți, noiembrie 7
Days of Thunder
We all loved the guy with the "get out of jail free" card that drove the orange porsche and the couple that got their hands on the merc gt cls with the "accelarate in straight lines only just like my grandma' " driving style and of course the priceless moment when a touareg got lost on the track on his way to the mall.But this was just a preview for things to come... next may, the 20th, fia gt will bring its first race to "Bucharest Ring"... how does that sound?... my thoughts exactly...
luni, octombrie 23
eminem vs eminescu vs bucurenci
i had photos i wanted to show the world stacked in my computer;
i even had a bad case of cold stacked in my lungs... but did all these wonderful things make me wanna create a blog? well some of them almost, but the thing that made me create it in the end was anger... anger stacked in my soul.
i didn't wanna give the name of the blithering idiot that made me write this, dragos bucurenci but this guy actually has a thing against Eminescu. I'm not sure why that is, but it's got to do with the fact that he was tortured by eminescu's poetry during highschool and probably got a 9.90 at literature. he can't understand how all his knowledge cannot comprehend the intricate emotions in eminescu's entire work. Well Dragos, "have i got news for you", to quote one of your favourite tv persons, you cannot even fully understand the life and lyrics of vali vijelie, and you dare to think that you fully understand eminescu? Can you imagine that after all of your studies on Eliade, there is a ten times bigger story behind eminescu. can you imagine in what you've got yourself into? can you imagine that therea re people who studied their entire life eminescu and still didn't get to the bottom of his story? can you imagine that there are people who know more than you about eminescu? can you answer any of these question or should cioroianu stand up for you?
and one more thing... eliade is not the most well known abroad... how about.. brancusi... and it's not even about the name.. it's about their work... so if u want to compare... compare one of his works to coanda's jet engine, or nadia's 10 or brancusi's coloana infinitului.. go on.. i'll let you pick whatever work you wish...